Lemon Grass
Family - Gramineae
Ayurvedic Name: Sanskrit Bhustrina,
Hindi: Gandhatrana,
International Name: English-Rosha gross, Sweet-rush, ginger-gross.
Habitat: Indigenous to tropical climatic condition, grows widely in the southern parts of India, Srilanka and Maldieve region.
Part Used for getting Oil: Leaves
Source and method for getting Oil: Distillation of the leaves.
Constituent of the Oil-Alcohol: Citrol or citral.
Action: Stimulant, disphoretic, carminative and tonic.
Use in Ayurveda:
Excellent stomachic, disphoretic in fevers, useful in disordered menstruation and in the congestive and neurologic forms of dysmenorrhoea.
Commonly used in herbal teas. It has a soothing smell which is good for cough and cold.
It has been used by oriental people for the treatment of several kind of alergies and cancer.