Shipping Policy: Generally it takes 1 to 3 weeks' time to get the shipment.
Incorrect Addresses: To get the shipment in time, kindly provide us correct mailing address so that product is not returned undelivered. Therefore, please double check all the shipping information carefully, especially zip/area code information.
P.O. Box: We are unable to deliver to P.O. Box addresses, because Indian Postal Service does not accept registered parcels to be delivered to P.O. Box address.
Customer Service: Please e-mail us at or you can send us a letter to our correspondence address,
Dr. S. K. Kamlesh
279, Subhash Marg,
Dugawan, Lucknow,
226004 UP, India
Mobile: +91-9415089531 (India Number) (Calling hours: 10:00 hrs. to 20:00 hrs. - Indian Std. Time)
Tel. +1(727)242-6687 (USA Number) (Calling hours: Any Time)